See My Ability
Our vision at Scottish Swimming is everyone can swim. The National Learn to Swim Framework in partnership with Scottish Water and aquatic providers is an inclusive programme that helps all children, regardless of ability to become safer and confident swimmers. Swimming provides the opportunity to learn a life skill whilst interacting and having fun in a group environment. This should be no different for a child with a disability and where possible your child will be included in a class with their peers.

What should you expect from a swimming lesson programme?
When will my child learn swimming strokes?
What assistance will my child receive?
What if my child’s disability limits movement in their legs or arms?
What if my child has limited communication?
What if my child is not progressing as quickly as other children in the class?
How can I help?
Where can I swim?

Quote from Toni Shaw
“I’m really proud to be an ambassador for the Learn to Swim Framework and really pleased that swimmers with a disability are taught in inclusive learn to swim environments. If there’s someone with a disability and the swimming teachers are aware of the impairment the lessons can be adapted. It’s great to develop as a swimmer and be seen beyond my disability. This has helped me integrate into a performance environment where I get to train alongside other world-class athletes.”
Toni Shaw, World Para Swimming World Champion